The Rock That Saves
Discover why Jesus Christ is the only true foundation in this powerful biblical reflection. Many build their faith on religion, tradition, and man-made rules, but 1 Peter 2:7-8 makes it clear—Jesus is the Cornerstone that cannot be moved. Explore how Matthew 7:24-25 warns against building on sinking sand, and how Daniel 2:34-35 prophesied that only Christ’s Kingdom will remain. Don’t wait until it’s too late—build your life on the Rock that stands forever! Read more now.
Marriage – A Covenant, Not a Contract
Marriage is more than a legal agreement; it’s a God-ordained covenant between a born-again man and woman, reflecting Christ’s love for the Church. It thrives on selflessness, communication, and putting God first. Join Joe and Ann Lester as they dive into biblical truths, real struggles, and practical wisdom to strengthen your marriage. Listen to the podcast now!

Who Would I Pick?
Discover the true meaning of the church and what it means to live as a follower of Christ beyond the walls of a building. This site explores how the church is not defined by denominations, traditions, or politics but by the living body of believers united in Jesus. Dive into Scripture, challenge conventional ideas, and learn how to embody the church in your everyday life.

The Legend of Tommy Kirk
A Life Full of Stories
My dad was a man of many talents. He was an athlete, coach, teacher, construction worker, ordained minister, and, most importantly, a devoted husband and father to five children. His love for God was unwavering, and his personal relationship with Jesus gave him peace, even during some of life’s most difficult trials, like caring for my bedridden mother for seven years.

Beware Of The Yeast
In this thought-provoking article, we explore Jesus' warning to "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees" (Matthew 16:6), reflecting on the dangers of legalism and man-made rules in modern Christianity. Discover how adding anything to the gospel undermines the power of Jesus' sacrifice, and learn why a personal relationship with Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, is the true path to spiritual freedom.
Would that I had never written those letters!
I never liked Paul growing up because he was deemed a Saint, even equal to Jesus if not greater then Jesus himself, because “churches” everywhere used his letters at church rules and their own religion instead of what they were meant for, It wasn’t until God grabbed me by the throat and made woke me up and I started reading the Bible for myself and letting the Holy Spirit guide me into all truth, instead of reading as a favor to my pastor and “church” leader on Sundays through their interoperation of what the Bible says, and wow, all of the sudden Paul was a very inspirational teacher and was there to encourage us believers and I realized he had great wisdom and inspiration for us all, BUT he’s not Jesus, he helps point us to Jesus, and that’s how we all should be.

Lets Go Back To The Future
In Jeremiah 35, the Recabites’ obedience to their ancestors stands in stark contrast to Israel’s refusal to listen to God. Today’s churches echo this same issue—stuck in man-made rules and traditions while ignoring God’s voice. Like the Pharisees in Jesus’ time, these churches focus on outward appearance and order but miss the core of faith: a personal relationship with Jesus. Modern believers must remember that Jesus didn’t come to establish complex systems but to offer a simple truth—He is the way, the truth, and the life. True freedom comes from following Him, not from adhering to church regulations. Are we willing to break free from tradition to follow Christ wholeheartedly?

The Death Hogs Darkness
while working on my bush hog, which I now call the ‘death hog.’ From battling rusted bolts to nearly losing an eye, it was a day full of mishaps that reminded me of God’s ever-present protection. Through humor and reflection, I explore the deeper meaning behind everyday struggles, showing how faith guides us through even the most chaotic moments. Join me as I reflect on how God’s light shines through the darkness of life’s unexpected trials.”

Back to School
As the school year starts, it’s clear that parents are more excited about it than the kids. Why? It’s about routine, structure, and social interactions. Parents crave the return to a set schedule, while kids get to engage with friends and activities like sports and arts.
However, it made me reflect on my own school experience. At 32, I realized I use none of the skills I learned in school in my daily life, especially not the practical ones. Most of what I use now, I learned outside of school.
So, why the excitement for school? It’s supposed to teach kids, but are they learning the right things? Kids need truth, structure, and the love of Jesus, something often missing in schools today.
Let’s rethink our approach to education. Instead of relying solely on traditional schools, let’s teach our kids practical skills and the truth about life.
Hope this makes you think, and until next time, may the good Lord bless you all!
Playing Piggy Back
Let's talk about "piggybacking" in our Christian circles—like how folks in the country might hitch a ride on someone else's faith without really walking the walk themselves. Remember piggyback races? It's like that, but with beliefs. We'll explore what it means to truly follow Christ, not just tag along. Using simple examples and Bible verses like Matthew 22:37, we'll uncover signs of piggybacking and why it's crucial to have a real connection with Jesus, not just a borrowed one. This article shares practical ways to spot this in your own life and offers heartfelt advice for handling these situations with prayer and wisdom.

Are You An American?
So many folks are saying right now that we need to vote; this is the most important time in history to vote. Yet, the same people who say this are the same people who believe the election was stolen in 2020. That doesn't make any sense to me. Since we're talking about a leader and voting, let me say this: the president of the United States of America, his sole job is to be the manager over our employees, to make sure they do not cross the line on their contract. That's the only purpose of the president. We the people thought it would be easier to let one guy manage everything instead of us running it ourselves like we're supposed to. There has been election fraud ever since the beginning, but it has been going on for a very long time. If you look back to Israel, we have a lot of resemblance to Israel. (No, I do not believe in replacement theology crap!)

Do you believe in Jesus?
If you believe (John 3:16) you also have to believe (John 14:6). Jesus said he is the only way the only truth and the only life, no one comes to the father except through Jesus.Do you actually know Jesus? And do you actually put your faith in Jesus and for what he has done for you? Or do you have to add man-made rules regulations, traditions and religious beliefs and principles to your life in order for you to feel free and be right with God? Jesus is King of kings and Lord of all lords, He is the one who was, the one who is, and the one who is still to come. My question is to everyone, Do you actually truly know Him?

Letting Jesus wash the CRAP away.
In a reflective piece, Ann Lester draws an analogy between the regular maintenance required to prevent farm machinery from rusting due to exposure to manure and the spiritual cleansing that Jesus offers to individuals burdened with sin. Sitting in a serene setting, observing cows on a misty morning, the writer contemplates the importance of dealing with life's "crap" – both literally and metaphorically. The narrative emphasizes the value of confronting and washing away our sins, much like cleaning machinery to prevent rust, illustrating the concept with personal anecdotes and farming experiences. The author highlights the transformative power of forgiveness and the potential for past mistakes to nourish future growth, akin to how manure can fertilize plants. This piece ultimately encourages readers to embrace forgiveness, let go of guilt, and live a life defined not by mistakes but by redemption through Christ, reinforcing the message with scriptural references to God's promise of forgiveness and a life free from condemnation.

Jesus said we need to become like little children. We need to stop overthinking it. We need to stop relying on religion and what other people are telling us. We need to forget about teachers and rulemakers. We need to go back to the basics. We need to take what Jesus says for what he says and stop acting like fools.
Once you know the truth, you can't go back. You can choose to ignore the truth and go against the truth and live a lie, but you cannot be ignorant any longer. If you know the truth, you know the truth. The truth is the truth. If it wasn't the truth, Jesus wouldn't call it the truth, and that's the truth of the matter!

Feet Washing
Are you a part of a religion? Are you a part of a denomination? Or do you consider yourself non-denominational now, with only a few church standards? Remember, if you add one rule to the free gift of Jesus Christ that he gave us, we are telling Jesus he did it all in vain!
I’ll say this again: if we are a born-again, Bible-believing, God-fearing, Jesus-confessing, sin-forgiven person, and we are not a part of a religion, then we are a part of the church of Jesus Christ. We are His body, we are His bride, we love Jesus, we put our faith in Jesus, and we follow Jesus. What does following Jesus mean? Well, that’s a tough one, but here it is: it means that you’re following Jesus!

Christian Capitalism
Some may argue that they need compensation for teaching the truth, but the Bible states that the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth, and Jesus is the ultimate teacher. So why should you get paid for something the ultimate teacher is already doing, not to mention, He actually instructs everyone to learn from Him instead of human teachings that can be distorted, deceptive, and burdensome?

Invasive VS Native
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.1 John 1:8-10

Is He Risen?
Again, it doesn’t matter what you say you believe, it doesn’t matter how religious you are, it doesn’t matter what “church” you belong to, it doesn’t matter how long your Easter service is. It doesn’t matter what you eat, doesn’t matter what you wear, all that matters in the end is your personal relationship with your Savior Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords!
Do you believe what he says? And do you put your faith in him?
If so, let’s prove it!

Easter Sunday
Then the angel asked, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? The women were shocked, but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body. Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died.”Then they remembered that he had said this.