In this thought-provoking article, we explore Jesus' warning to "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees" (Matthew 16:6), reflecting on the dangers of legalism and man-made rules in modern Christianity. Discover how adding anything to the gospel undermines the power of Jesus' sacrifice, and learn why a personal relationship with Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, is the true path to spiritual freedom.
“I’m Finally Voting In 2024” is a song that declares a commitment to Jesus Christ above all else in the upcoming election. It emphasizes that true freedom and rights come from God, not the Constitution or any political leader. The song encourages believers to vote for Jesus, representing a focus on faith over politics, man-made rules, or government control.
What is the church?
(A Born Again, Bible believing, God fearing, Jesus confessing, sin forgiven Christ follower, now part of the body of Christ, His bride the church) Not a building or denomination.
I’m celebrating the earthly birth of my savior Jesus Christ, and just so we are clear, Jesus Christ is Alive!
Short yet important message to all Christians. Video not my original property, but it's very true, and we all need to hear it! Bless!
The only way to heaven is through Jesus! No works, No church, No rules, No law, No membership, No water, No letter, No ritual, not even thoughtful good meaning religious “church” standards. Only through the blood of Jesus cleansing your sin and making you new in Christ by grace you are saved through faith in Jesus!
We want everyone to know Jesus, and we feel that God led us to start this page and to tell as many folks about Jesus as possible and to help folks have a personal relationship with the One & only Savior Jesus Christ!
I pray that you let God lead you and that you truly love Christ with all your heart and be bold enough to love your neighbor as yourself! Always and forever but let’s have an extra dose on this Halloween!
Do we practice what we preach? Or do we say something and do another. Do we play the hypocrite? These are great questions to ask yourself and for those around you.
“THINK before you speak“
(T - truthful, H - Helpful, I - inspiring, N - necessary, K - kind)
 ~Greg Laurie~
John 14:6 says Jesus is the only way he is the only truth, and he is the only life, no one gets to the father, except through Jesus.