Our Mission
We want everyone to know Jesus, either for the first time ever, or just to know Him better, without Jesus we wouldn’t be here, and we would have no reason for living and we wouldn’t have our blessed hope.
Lets make it personal!

Joe Lester - Introduction
I am (one of the Born Again, Bible believing, God fearing, Jesus confessing, sin forgiven Christ follower) and proud to be called a part of the body of Christ, his bride! (The Church)
I tell my customers “It’s an easy name to remember and a hard face to forget, Joe Lester is the name, and i’m in the rule, breaking gang, while telling others about Jesus!
How about a little bit of history? of course, this is going to be great!
Way back in 2019 BC (before Covid)
I started reading & studying the Bible and soon after I had a dream that I didn’t make it to heaven (Long story we will have to continue a different time) God told me not in an audible voice, but close enough, but what He said was “I want you to know the Bible as well as you know your iPhone”
That is rough, especially for me and that scared me because that’s one heck of a task, there’s not much I don’t know about my iPhone, but every time I read the Bible I find something new that I didn’t know before, so I knew it was going to be a long road, but I dove right in and I know for a fact it will be a life time of learning something new every day and it’s gonna be exciting!
My wife has been on fire for Jesus, and she did not understand why I wasn’t, she talk to me about it a few times, and I never got it, I could never understand her perspective, for one I did not have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of me, I did not tell others about Jesus, and I only read the Bible when it was convenient, which was very little. I am not sure what I was thinking, I guess I figured if I am safe, that’s all that matters.
Now I asked God into my heart back in October 2002, and I believe I did that, because I wanted to skip out on hell, basically I wanted fire insurance, not because I wanted a relationship with Jesus, but I did not give my heart to Jesus until that very moment in 2019 BC.
That might seem a little bit weird to some folks, But the reason is I did not realize that it’s just about a personal relationship with Jesus, not just believing in Jesus or even believing he is the son of God, the devils believe and tremble, it’s definitely not by following rules or ordinances or traditions of your church or parents or trying to keep God’s law, I mean that’s the devils gospel and he tries to deceive so many people with that, and I was deceived by this for years and I could not fully grasp it.
But somehow somewhere God saw fit to reveal this to me, and if at all possible, I would like to help someone else see this truth as well, it took me a long time to understand this, but it has been the best experience imaginable once I understood it!
I’ll put it this way, you cannot be a half ass Christian, you cannot love God and money, when you give your heart to Jesus your life will change totally, I mean you must realize that you broke God‘s law, and your in desperate need of a savior, then you must be born again pudding your faith in Jesus, dying to self that means leaving your old path in the past, turning around 180° and run towards Jesus!
I heard somebody mistakenly say one time, that he turned 360° in the opposite direction, the sad thing is that’s what happens a lot of times we get spun around by religion and we think we’re going on the right path but all we did was spin 360° and we are still walking on the same path we were before with a little religion added to it, and that is not what Christianity is all about, following Jesus Christ is as simple as following Jesus Christ, there is no rules there is no religion, it’s a relationship with the one and only God in human form Jesus Christ the Nazarene The absolute only way to get to heaven.
You will hear this a lot on here from me, but everything leads back to one thing and that is without Jesus there is no reason for living or doing anything, Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one gets to the father except through Jesus, Jesus gave us two commandments when he was here and I like to sum them up with just one and that’s love God with all your heart soul mind and strength and love each other, and if you love God with all your heart then you will love each other it goes hand-in-hand, that’s what we are called to do and that’s what I try to do every single day even though I always come up short.
But what keeps me going is knowing Jesus keeps his promises, and he promises he is coming back to get us, and I believe that’s going to be at any moment, and With that being the case we always need to be ready and waiting for his soon return, so whenever temptation comes my way to not do the right thing, I try to focus on that moment when Jesus comes to get us, if I was doing whatever that I thought about doing at the moment when Jesus return would he say well done my good and faithful servant, or would he look at me with hurt in his eyes and be ashamed of me in the presence of the father, the thought of Jesus being disappointed with me makes me extremely devastated, and trust me you do not want that!
When you’re in a relationship you need to get to know your partner, and you need to learn everything you can about them and you need to spend quality time with them in order to build a relationship and to make it stronger.
The best way to learn about Jesus is to actually read his biography, “the Bible“ I mean the Bible is the word of God, if you don’t believe me well, “the word became flesh and dwelt among us” John 1:14 that means that Jesus is the word so if you read the word you will learn about Jesus and Jesus said go in your closet and lock the door and pray to your father in heaven, that’s one on one private time in prayer talking with the greatest partner ever imagined!
I hope somehow someway something that we say or do here will help someone out and maybe help grow your relationship with Jesus, if one person gets encouragement from this than this will be 100% success, and all glory and honor to God the father and to the Lord Jesus Christ for his wonderful love endures forever!
Ann Lester - Introduction
Hey y’all, I’m Ann Lester.
Glad to see you here grab a glass of sweet tea and enjoy hearing/reading about God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit, the “church” (we the people are the church), breaking the man made rules, knowing what true Christ love is, Gods word (The Bible) & much more.
In 2001 I realized I was a sinner and apart from God the one who made me and the earth we live on and everything else. So I repented and gave my life to Christ. I was definitely a youngin who God moved early in life because in 2001 I was 6 years old. After getting saved life was never the same even for a 6 year old because from that day until now I’ve always had the need to live differently from the world and tell others about Jesus and His gift He has for them. I didn’t fit in most “Christian” groups growing up because I was young and actually did know my Bible and did have a heart for the Lord.
Am I going to sit here and tell you that I walked a perfect line for Christ? No way I’ll never say that. This is where you’re actually going to see real struggles, real sin, hard situations, where the rubber meets the road kinda thing. But where God also gives mercy and love despite all of that.
Here’s what I ask from you.
If you read or hear something we say or write and you can Biblically disagree with us please reach out to us so we can have a conversation with you and learn something new. We will never say we got it all figured out but we do know one thing for sure God gave us His WHOLE word to learn from, Jesus gave two commandments love God with your whole heart & love your neighbor as your self, we don’t know everything & we will keep learning until the day we are rapture or our physical body dies and then we learn so much more.
Y’all have a blessed day!