Beware Of The Yeast

So I was reading in Matthew this morning, and I’ve read this passage many times, but for some reason this morning, I was driving and listening to the audio Bible, and this verse came up. Jesus said, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees,” and it just hit me that this is my new line, so I said I have to make an article named

“Beware of the Yeast!” (Matthew 16:6)

If you don't like Reading long articles I suggest you go ahead and just let Siri read this to you, but if nothing else you can listen to our song about this article that gets straight to the point and is catchy, I hope you enjoy

In the same portion, I was reading about when Jesus took Peter, James, and John up to the mountain, and they saw His transfiguration. This is absolutely spectacular and amazing to me because He was talking with Moses and Elijah. Moses had been dead for over 1,000 years, and Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire hundreds of years ago, yet they are both standing there talking to Jesus about His exodus from this world. I can only imagine what they were talking about—probably His death, resurrection, and maybe even His second coming. It had to be intense and amazing, but yet the disciples fell asleep. Peter was the only one who said anything, but the Scriptures say the only reason he spoke was because he didn’t know what to say. I mean, like, what the heck is going on here?! (Matthew 17:1–8; Luke 9:28–36)

Right before Jesus talked about the yeast of the Pharisees, He performed another miracle, feeding 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread. This was after feeding 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. They got in a boat, and then the disciples started arguing about not bringing food and not knowing what they were going to eat. They did not know what was right in front of them—they did not truly know who Jesus was. But I believe it’s just like Jesus said: “Unless you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God.” Until the Holy Spirit came into these folks, they could not see the kingdom of God. They thought Jesus was a leader, their future king who would save them from the Romans. They didn’t understand that He was God in the flesh, with all the power of heaven and earth, because He was the Creator of all of it! (John 3:3; Matthew 15:32–39; John 1:14)

We get into the habit of reading the Bible and saying, “Those people were so stupid. Why could they not see what was going on? Jesus was standing right there with them, but they acted like He wasn’t there. How could they not see what was going on?”

But then we do the same thing today. We don’t think about the fact that we’re doing the same thing. We just live our lives and say, “We’re going to create a church and worship Jesus because we’re not like these other folks that are fools. We’ve got it figured out!” With our rules, regulations, and church standards, we think we’re going to be the front-runners of folks getting to heaven. We have a good time scheduling fundraisers, passing out tracts, knocking on doors, feeding homeless people, and going to prison. We think we’ve got it all figured out. Yet, when someone comes along and tells us the truth about Jesus, they get disregarded and shunned because they’re “crazy” and because we think we don’t need anybody else telling us what to do.

Even though we call it religion and think we’re really something, we totally miss the point of Jesus. We’ve made modern-day Pharisees. Even though we might only have a few rules and regulations, Jesus said, “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” It’s crazy how it works—yeast and mustard seeds—it doesn’t take much to start, but they’ll turn into something big in the end! (Matthew 13:33; Galatians 5:9; Matthew 13:31–32)

I just want everybody to know that if you add one rule to what Jesus did on the cross for you, you are telling Him He died in vain. You’re telling Jesus He is not enough. (Galatians 2:21)

I was talking to a guy the other day, and he is what most people would call a “good Christian”—goes to church, participates in everything, reads his Bible, is kind and generous to others—but he literally said, “Jesus is not enough.” He believed we have to follow church standards and man-made rules to be truly righteous.

(Matthew 15:8–9)

If Jesus wanted to come down to earth to make Pharisees, He would have looked down, seen the Pharisees, and sat back and relaxed because there would have been nothing for Him to do. If Jesus came to set up rules and regulations for people to follow, He wouldn’t have needed to come, because everybody already had their rules and laws to follow. (John 1:17)

But Jesus came to bring a sword—that’s what He said. He’s dividing families: “Two will be against Him, and one for Him; or one against Him, and two for Him.” His reason for coming was not to unify the whole world. His reason for coming was to separate the sheep from the goats and to unify His sheep as one flock. He prayed to the Father in John 17 that all His people would be one, just as He is one with the Father. He wants all His people unified as His body—the church. No rules, no regulations, no man-made religion—just a personal relationship with Jesus, a continuation of His body, the unified church. (Matthew 10:34–36; John 17:20–23)

This is not hard to understand, folks. This is very, very simple. Following Jesus is as simple as following Jesus. I’ve said this so many times, but people try to make it so complicated. So let me make it real clear here: If Jesus is walking north and you are walking south, you are not following Jesus. If Jesus is walking west and you are walking east, maybe at some point your paths will cross, but you’re still not following Jesus. The only way you can follow Jesus is by going in the same direction as Jesus was going: doing the same things Jesus was doing, talking to the Father just like Jesus was, loving others just like Jesus was, telling others the truth just like Jesus did, loving the things of God just like Jesus did, not hating your neighbor just like Jesus did, not following the laws of the Pharisees (man-made rules and religion), but letting the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth, just like Jesus said. (John 14:6; John 16:13)

It’s that simple, folks. I was just thinking about this today, scratching my head over what this world is coming to. I know Satan is the ruler of this world, and he loves to deceive and get in the middle of relationships to lead you astray. But if the devil had big red horns and long vampire teeth, you would probably recognize him and run the other way. However, when the devil puts on a suit, combs his hair, brushes his teeth, makes a little platform to stand on, gives you 15 standards to live by to get to heaven, and explains his version of what you should believe, you take the bait hook, line, and sinker, as if it were the gospel itself. (2 Corinthians 11:14; John 8:44)

Whenever somebody gets in trouble, they always look for religion. That’s why after 9/11 happened, so many people started going to churches. You think you’re good to go until something tragic happens in your life, and then all of a sudden, you’re looking for a higher power to help you. Even people who call themselves atheists, in their time of need, will reach out to whoever they think God is and ask for help. People think it’s great if others get religious. I hear all the time, “That old man was a religious man,” or “I found religion.” But believe it or not, the founder of religion is the red-horned man himself. (James 1:26–27; Matthew 7:15–16, Matthew 15:8–9)

God created man in His own image and was very pleased with His creation. He told man he could do whatever his heart desired, just not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But here comes Satan, and what does he say? “Did God really say that? What He actually meant was that you will become like Him, knowing good and evil.” And so religion was born! (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:16–17; Genesis 3:1–5)

The Bible says God hates religion, yet so many people flock to it and think it’s so good. (Isaiah 29:13; Hosea 6:6)

Today, we’re the same as when the world first started. Jesus said, “Follow Me!” But the world says, “Did Jesus really say that? I’m pretty sure Jesus said you have to follow these church standards. You have to be a perfect Christian. You can’t dress certain ways. You can’t say certain things. You have to go to a building every so often. If you do these few things, then you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Sound familiar?

That’s what I thought, folks. I know some folks have their jaws tightened right now, but let me tell you—all that does is cause a toothache, and that’s no fun for anyone. So take your right hand and put it on your right jaw, take your left hand and put it on your left jaw, and give your jaw a nice massage while you loosen up. And while you’re doing that, think about what Jesus says and not what the world says.

Read your Bible, starting in Genesis until you finish in Revelation, and then start over again. And while you’re at it, just like Jesus said, “Go into your closet, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen,” and make it a personal relationship, not a corporate orgy. Do this until the good Lord calls you home. (Matthew 6:6)

So I’ll say it again: “Beware of the yeast!” (Matthew 16:6)

Until next time, and from now on, may the good Lord bless you.

~ Joe Lester ~


The Legend of Tommy Kirk


Would that I had never written those letters!