We the people
The problem is in this day and age. If a non-believer goes to the so-called local “church”, they’re not going to see unity, they’re not going to see God‘s love, because the people are not united, they’re arguing over parking lot issues, or lighting conditions, or what liquid to drink for communion, what clothes to wear, what instruments and songs are allowed, what kind of water saves you, etc. these so-called “churches” have no desire for your personal relationship with Jesus. They are more worried about their congregation, growing and their tithes and offerings and rules and tradition, than the peoples personal walk with Jesus.

My Testimony
But we talked about a lot of stuff, but we got to talking about his past and childhood and hard times he went through, and he told me that some people tell him that they are sorry that he had such a hard time, this is what he told me “don’t be sorry, without a test all you get is a imony” I never thought about that before like that, but it is a fact! You cannot give your testimony to others if you do not have a testimony, you cannot take someone somewhere if you do not know where you are going, you cannot pull someone out of a hole if you are in the hole with them, I could keep going on about that but you get the point.

Women roll in the “Church”
Church - True Meaning
(A Born Again, Bible believing, God fearing, Jesus confessing, sin forgiven Christ follower, now part of the body of Christ, His bride the church) Not a building or denomination. To think that you have one roll inside your “church building” and another out side of your building is absolutely ridiculous thinking! It should be what is the roll of a Godly woman period!

Rules are for Fools!
The only way to heaven is through Jesus! No works, No church, No rules, No law, No membership, No water, not even thoughtful good meaning religious “church” standards. Only through the blood of Jesus cleansing your sin and making you new in Christ by grace you are saved through faith in Jesus!

The Christmas Story
The Christmas Story - Straight Bible just a simple read of how our Savior was revealed to the world! Glory to God in the Highest!

I’m celebrating the earthly birth of my savior Jesus Christ, and just so we are clear, Jesus Christ is Alive! Not only that but he actually does give out gifts and he is a hero of this whole world, he’s the creator, he’s our savior, he’s the King of kings and Lord of lords, the only one who died and then rose again from the dead on the third day, the only one that went back up to heaven to create a place for us that is beyond our wildest dreams that we can live with Him forever and ever in his perfect world! My question is, Do you know him?

Body Building - For Christ
Body building for Christ, If you don’t work out this is for you! If you do work out this is for you! Now your probably thinking “so it’s for everyone?” Ding ding ding we have a winner. Yes this is for EVERYONE!

Born-Again Christain
“Christain” Means - (Your a Born Again, Bible believing, God fearing, Jesus confessing, sin forgiven Christ Follower and proud to be called a part of the body of Christ, His bride, The Church)