The Rule Breakers

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If you know the truth, the truth will set you free!

Do you want to know the truth? That is the big question.

If you want to know the truth, then I'll tell you the truth, but I just want this to be very clear, I probably should get y'all to sign a waiver stating you asked for the truth, but then I would be making you do something for this.

Why would I say something like that? Because, in the words of Jack Nicholson, "You can't handle the truth." But seriously folks, once you know the truth, in the words of Jesus, "The truth will set you free," but do you want to be free?

I mean it's in the name, "freedom" if you take away "free" all you are left with is "dom" if you do not want to be free then you're dumb! It's just that simple. You can't be free and not know the truth, you can't know the truth without being free they go hand-in-hand.

So do you actually want to know the truth?

The truth of the matter is, if someone is selling the truth, then they want you to pay them to tell you the truth or teach you some truth. If this is the case, then you know with 100% certainty that it's not the truth because you cannot be free if you have to pay for something. That's just rule number one, so anything that you were taught that you had to do something in order to get taught this or report something in order to get taught this or pay something in order to get taught this, then what you learned is not true because truth is free.

Pilot asked Jesus, "What is truth?" A lot of people ask this question. The truth of the matter is it's Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

It doesn't get any simpler than that; Jesus is the truth, and Jesus did not charge to give you the truth. As a matter of fact, He actually gave His all, I mean He gave everything He had for you to learn the truth to set you free because truth is free. If it wasn't free, Jesus would not call it free, and no matter how good you are at that fancy algebra that you paid someone to teach you, if you have to pay for something, it is not free. I don't care how you add it up. I'll add this in here because it's just another example, but free people don't have to abide by regulations and rules set to make you not free. Free people don't have to pay a tax to be free. Jesus asked, "Do kings tax their own people or the people they have conquered?" (Matthew 17:25-26) It's a simple question with a very simple answer.

Some people might say, "Well, that's true, but you have to add some rule or some regulation or some “church” standard or sign some form or live a certain way in order to be truly free." Some people will say, "You have to have rules, or people would just absolutely go crazy. If you didn't pay a tax, then how would we survive? If we did not pay our taxes, then how would the government run all of their programs to help us out because they care so much about us and always look out for our best interest no matter what!"

But let me ask you this: who told you that? And did you have to pay for that information? Or did you have to submit a form explaining to someone that you learned this information? (School, government workers, accountants, media, some mentorship you paid for, etc.)

Well, let me make something really clear once again, if you paid even one cent for this information, then it was not free, and if it was not free, then how could you be set free? If you add anything that you have to do in order to receive the truth, then it is not free! I cannot stress this enough!

It just doesn't add up, folks. I know this makes some people uncomfortable and even mean; some people get really angry and hateful over this, but why? I really could not tell you that. I guess they would rather pay someone and believe their lie that they tell instead of trying to research the truth for themselves. But this is why I told you that it would be a good idea to sign a waiver before you read this, because once you know the truth, you can't go back. You can choose to ignore the truth and go against the truth and live a lie, but you cannot be ignorant any longer. If you know the truth, you know the truth. The truth is the truth. If it wasn't the truth, Jesus wouldn't call it the truth, and that's the truth of the matter!

You might be thinking at this moment that this is one crazy person writing all this crap, and you're probably right, but be that as it may, let me try to explain it as simple as possible. You have to remember I am just a poor country boy that did not even finish high school, and I have a hard time spelling my own name, so if I say something, it's going to be pretty simple because, to be honest with you, I don't even know how to spell complicated. It's a good thing Siri is dictating this, or I would be lost for sure, lol.

I have said this before, and I will keep saying it again and again because it's as simple as this: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).

You can't add anything to that; that is just the truth. Jesus said, "You're either for me or you're against me" (Matthew 12:30).

There is no gray area, there is no what if, or adding to or subtracting, and to be honest with you, there is nothing to subtract from except take away Jesus, who is the truth, and you then have Satan, which is a liar and a father of lies. (John 8:44)

You either love Jesus or you do not. You can't just say, well, he's a good public figure, but I don't believe in him. You can't say, I love Jesus; that's why I follow these sets of rules that a man told me about. You can't say you love Jesus every Sunday, but when push comes to shove and someone needs help, and you just go do your own thing. If any of this goes on, that means you don't love Jesus. You either love Jesus or you do not; it's that simple.

If you love Jesus, you will love the things Jesus loves. What does Jesus love? Well, there's a bunch of them, but just to name a few, Jesus loves you. Man, I could be poetic; that even rhymed right there. That is awesome, lol, but anyways, Jesus loves your neighbor, Jesus loves that pain in the butt business partner you have, Jesus even loves your very worst enemy, Jesus loves his creation, Jesus loves the land you work, Jesus loves the animals you raise, Jesus loves every plant that you plant in your garden or your field because it's his creation. Jesus even loves your mother-in-law!

What are things Jesus hates? Well, there's a bunch, but here are a few of them: Jesus hates religion! Jesus hates sin, Jesus hates dictatorship, Jesus hates those who oppress his people.

So what should you do?

That's correct; it's that simple. You either love Jesus and love what he loves, or you do not. Stop trying to add something to this or take something away from this; it is this simple, and now you know the truth, and if you live by it, then you will be free! But if not, then you will be a slave for the rest of your life because you will never be set free. You will be fighting the truth your whole life, knowing there's a better way but trying to convince yourself that you're on the right path. That is no way to live, and it's definitely not living out your freedom in Jesus Christ, the one and only who gave up everything to show you the truth and to give him to you in human form so he could relate to you and take all your burdens upon himself, dying for you on the cross, taking all of your sins upon himself, going through excruciating pain, and with the power of God, raising him from the dead on the third day. All of this just to give you eternal life forever in the most amazing place that you could even dream about, forever being free from death, pain, heartache, worries, or cares! Why in this freaking world would you not want to accept the truth?

So, I'll ask you this question one more time: do you want to know the truth, and do you actually want to be free?

Like always don't take my word for it, and don't take anybody else's word for it even if they claim to know the Bible like the back of their hand, who knows they might have not studied the back of their hand for a long long time, but do this instead.

Pick up the Bible, dusted off and start reading in Genesis and when you finish in Revelation start back over in Genesis "in the beginning" and repeat this process until Jesus calls you home!

Until next time and from now on, may the good Lord bless you.